Project 1

Images of the Russian Empire -- Colorizing the Prokudin-Gorskii Photo Collection

Siyuan Zhai

Project Overview

This project focuses on colorizing the Prokudin-Gorskii Photo Collection, a series of photographs taken by Russian photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii in the early 20th century. We aim to take the digitized glass plate images and automatically produce color images with minimal visual artifacts. The process involves extracting the three color channels from the original images, aligning them, and combining them into a single RGB color image.


L2 and NCC Methods

Image Pyramid Method



  1. Load the image and split it into red, green, and blue channels.
  2. Crop 2% from the edges to eliminate black borders and noise.
  3. Normalize each channel’s values to achieve automatic white balance.
  4. Resize each channel to create 4 levels for the pyramid method.
  5. Apply the Canny edge detector to reduce noise and highlight important features.
  6. Determine the optimal offset using either the L2 method or image pyramid technique, depending on the image size.
  7. Align the three color channels using np.roll() based on the calculated offsets.
  8. Merge the aligned channels to create the final RGB image.
  9. Save the resulting color image.


Here are some of the results of the colorized Prokudin-Gorskii Photo Collection.

For Larger Images, use pyramid method and white balance

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